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Top 4 Security Tips to Protect Your Home During the Summer Months

CPD House Safety and Security Tips

As the summer season unfolds, it’s important to ensure that your home remains secure while you and your family enjoy the warm weather and vacation time. The Chesterfield Police Department is dedicated to helping you protect your property and loved ones, so we have compiled a list of the top four security tips to safeguard your home during the summer months. By implementing these measures, you can enhance the security of your residence and have peace of mind throughout the season.

1. Secure Your Doors and Windows:
The first line of defense for any home is its doors and windows. Make sure all entry points are properly secured to deter potential intruders. Here are some essential measures you can take:
– Install sturdy deadbolt locks on all exterior doors.
– Reinforce door frames to prevent forced entry.
– Consider installing security bars or grilles on ground-level windows.
– Use window locks and reinforce glass panes with security film.
– Always remember to lock doors and windows when leaving home, even if it’s just for a short period.

2. Install Adequate Outdoor Lighting:
Well-lit homes are less likely to be targeted by criminals as they prefer to operate in the shadows. Adequate lighting around your property can significantly enhance its security. Consider the following lighting strategies:
– Install motion-activated outdoor lighting around entrances, pathways, and other vulnerable areas.
– Utilize timers or smart lighting systems to create the illusion of occupancy when you’re away.
– Keep the exterior of your home well-maintained, ensuring that no overgrown foliage provides cover for potential intruders.

3. Be Mindful of Social Media:
While it’s tempting to share your vacation plans and pictures on social media platforms, it’s crucial to be cautious about what you post. Broadcasting your absence from home can unwittingly invite trouble. Consider these social media safety tips:
– Share vacation updates and photos after returning home, rather than during your trip.
– Adjust your privacy settings to ensure that only trusted friends and family can view your posts.
– Avoid mentioning specific dates and the duration of your absence.
– Be cautious when accepting friend requests from unfamiliar individuals.

4. Create the Illusion of Occupancy:
Making your home appear occupied, even when you’re away, can be an effective deterrent against burglars. Here are some strategies to create the illusion of occupancy:
– Use timers to control lights, radios, or TVs, making them turn on and off at different times throughout the day.
– Ask a trusted neighbor or friend to collect your mail, newspapers, and packages, so they don’t accumulate outside your home.
– Consider hiring a lawn care service to maintain your yard while you’re away.
– Avoid leaving visible signs of an empty house, such as piled-up mail or unattended deliveries.

Protecting your home during the summer months requires proactive measures and a security-conscious mindset. By implementing these top four security tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of burglary. Remember, maintaining a secure home is a collective effort, so don’t hesitate to share these tips with your neighbors and encourage a safer community. Stay vigilant, enjoy the summer, and let’s work together to keep our homes and loved ones safe. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Chesterfield Police Department.

If you are traveling or going to be away from your home, you may contact the Chesterfield Police Department and ask us to keep an extra set of eyes on your house for you. You may call us at (765) 378-3354 or use the Contact Us form on our website.

Please give us the following information:
– Name
– Address
– Telephone Number
– Date Leaving and Date Returning
– Any vehicles that should be expected at the house
– Who to contact if there is a problem.
– Anyone that you expect to be at the house.

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