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Back-to-School Safety Tips for Parents

As the new school year has kicked off, the safety of your children is a top priority for us at the Chesterfield Police Department. To help ensure a smooth and secure transition back to school, we’ve compiled these important safety tips for parents:

**1. Review Safety Procedures:**
Familiarize yourself and your child with the school’s safety protocols and emergency procedures. Make sure your child knows who to contact in case of an emergency.

**2. Walk the Route:**
Walk the route to the bus stop with your child before the school year starts. Point out safe places to cross streets and discuss traffic rules. Encourage your child to always use designated crosswalks and sidewalks when possible.

**3. School Bus Safety:**
If your child takes the bus, teach them to stand at a safe distance from the road while waiting for the bus. Remind them to wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching.

**4. Stranger Danger:**
Review the concept of stranger danger with your child. Teach them to never talk to or accept anything from strangers, even if the stranger claims to know you.

**5. Cyber Safety:**
Discuss the importance of responsible online behavior with your child. Remind them to never share personal information or communicate with unknown individuals on social media or other online platforms.

**6. Backpack Safety:**
Ensure your child’s backpack is appropriately sized and not too heavy. Encourage them to wear both shoulder straps to distribute the weight evenly and reduce strain on their back.

**7. Bullying Awareness:**
Talk to your child about bullying and encourage open communication. Let them know they can always come to you if they’re being bullied or witnessing others being bullied.

**8. Healthy Habits:**
Promote healthy habits like getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, and staying active. A healthy lifestyle supports both physical and mental well-being.

**9. Stay Involved:**
Stay engaged with your child’s school activities. Attend parent-teacher conferences, school events, and join the PTA to foster a strong school community.

**10. Emergency Contact Information:**
Make sure the school has up-to-date contact information for you and any other emergency contacts. In case of an unforeseen event, it’s crucial that the school can reach you.

**11. Carpool Safety:**
If your child is part of a carpool, ensure that all drivers are well-vetted and that proper safety measures are in place, such as seat belts for every child.

**12. Communication:**
Encourage your child to communicate openly with you about their school experiences. Ask about their day, their friends, and any concerns they might have.

Remember, working together as a community, we can ensure a safe and successful school year for all children. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Chesterfield Police Department. Stay safe and have a great school year!

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