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πŸ“šπŸš **Back-to-School Safety Reminder from Chesterfield Police Department!** πŸšπŸ“š

As we gear up for the new school year, the Chesterfield Police Department wants to remind all drivers about important school bus safety rules and best practices to ensure a safe journey for our children.

**🚦 School Bus Safety Laws in Indiana:**

– **Stop for School Buses:** It is illegal to pass a stopped school bus with its red lights flashing and stop arm extended, except on highways divided by a barrier. On divided highways, you only need to stop if you are traveling in the same direction as the bus.

**🚸 Best Practices for Drivers:**

– **Watch for Kids:** Be extra cautious when backing out of driveways or leaving garagesβ€”children walking or biking to school might be in your path.
– **Slow Down in School Zones:** Keep an eye out for children in neighborhoods and school zones. They may not always be aware of traffic.
– **Observe Bus Stops:** Be mindful of children playing or waiting at bus stops and be prepared for sudden movements.
– **Know the Lights:**
– **Yellow Flashing Lights:** The bus is preparing to stop. Slow down and get ready to stop.
– **Red Flashing Lights and Stop Arm Extended:** The bus is stopped, and children are boarding or exiting. You must stop and wait until the lights stop flashing and the stop arm is retracted before proceeding.

**πŸ‘« Safety Tips for Parents:**

– **At the Bus Stop:**
– Have your child arrive at the bus stop at least five minutes early.
– Instruct your child to wait at least six feet from the curb.
– Remind them that the bus stop is not a play area.

– **Getting On and Off the Bus:**
– Ensure your child waits for the bus to stop completely and the driver signals it’s okay before boarding.
– Encourage your child to use handrails to prevent falls.

– **Around the Bus:**
– Teach your child never to walk behind the bus.
– If crossing in front of the bus, they should walk to a point at least 10 feet in front of the bus before crossing, and always make eye contact with the driver.
– If something drops near the bus, your child should inform the driver instead of picking it up.

Let’s work together to keep our children safe on their way to and from school. Thank you for your attention and cooperation!

**Information Provided by:** Indiana Criminal Justice Institute

#ChesterfieldPolice #SchoolBusSafety #BackToSchool #CommunitySafety

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